Thursday, 19 March 2020

It will be right on the night

Answer the following questions in a different colour text.
  1. What does the title of the play mean? Things will run smoothly.
  2. Why did Linc become so confused on the stage? He thinks he is never going to
  3. remember his line.
  4. What wasn’t the music working? With a computer cord.
  5. What was Daisy’s reason for not turning on the lights? Because she couldn't find her
  6. computer cord. 
  7. What does ‘playing the blame game’ mean? You blame each other.
  8. Why did Mr Bustle ask Harry to explain the problem? Because no one can remember
  9. their lines.
  10. Why was Harry worried about the play? Because the music and the light wasn’t on.
  11. Why did Mr Bustle look unsure when he left the room?Because everything wasn’t on.
  12. Why did Mia’s dad contact her by text message?He was finished making her costume.

Create: Take some time to practice this play as a group. Record yourselves performing this
play in the green room with your teacher.

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